Sunday, January 23, 2011


This is the camera I take most of my pictures with and it is awesome! I also have a canon powershot digital camera that I took this picture with.

These are my favorite treats. Its Extra Dessert Key Lime Pie gum (AMAZING) and Jolly Rancher Smoothie (ALSO AMAZING!)

I love my religion and this ring is a symbol of it.

This mascara is amazing. I use it everyday!!!

This is my cute little flash drive (KEVIN). He is amazing and if it brakes (knock on wood) I will die!

These are the 3 best books I have ever read! They are sad, adventurous, and romantic. I recommend them to everyone!

I'm in love with my ipod. I use it for everything! I am very sad it has a crack in it though :(

This is the best Wii game ever. I pretty much only play Just Dance 1 & 2.

This is my favorite lotion and I am very sad it is only in stores during Christmas.

These are my top 7 favorite movies! They are AWESOME!!!

And finally this is my FAVORITE tv show of all times!!!!!!!!! Laugh if you want, but it is amazing and I got all 6 seasons for Christmas!!!


  1. You are sooo cute Kiley! Thanks for making me smile!

  2. dude. you totally took my font and my ipod picture! jk(: I love hte camera one and the hunger games one (:
