Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I have been so incredibly busy!!! Basketball is finally over! And some things are settling down, but some are getting crazier, but I finally got my Utah pictures finished! These are not all of them, but they are the best ones!! Hope you like them!

This is one of their dogs. His name is Chewy (like from star wars) He was super dirty, but I just loved his blue eyes!

They had a ton of baby chicks!!

This horse was psycho,  but super pretty!

One of many calves! (:

The horse eating out of my cousins hand

Gorgeous mountains!! It was so beautiful up there!!

They had just gotten more little pigs!!

I love this one! Sadly his tail wasn't very curly!

All the pigs were sleeping on top of each other! (:
All but one of these pictures I took at my Aunt's dairy farm!! Right after we left they got new baby goats and a new tiny colt! Next time I go to Utah I will come back with some adorable pictures of them! (: